TET Child Development & Pedagogy Question Paper Set 2

TET Child Development & Pedagogy Question Paper for Paper 1 & Paper 2 Examination 2020- 2021. Teacher Eligibility Test 2020 Child Development & Pedagogy Subject Paper on our website.

TET Child Development & Pedagogy Question Paper Set 2

In Paper I, The test items on Child Development and Pedagogy will focus on educational psychology of teaching and learning relevant to the age group of 6-11 years. They will focus on understanding the characteristics and needs of diverse learners, interaction with learners and the attributes and qualities of a good facilitator of learning.

In Paper II, The test items on Child Development and Pedagogy will focus on educational psychology of teaching and learning, relevant to the age group of 11-14 years. They will focus on understanding the characteristics, needs and psychology of diverse learners, interaction with learners and the attributes and qualities of a good facilitator of learning.

TET Child Development & Pedagogy Question Paper Set 2 (Paper I and Paper II)

Most important work of teacher is—

to organize teaching work

to deliver lecture in class

to take care of children

to evaluate the students

Answers (1)

According to Vygotsky, zone of proximal development is

zone demarking the support offered by the teacher

what the child can do on her own which cannot be assessed

the gap between what the child can do independently and with assistance

the amount and nature of support provided to the child to achieve her potential

Ans: (3) the gap between what the child can do independently and with assistance

Piaget proposes that pre-operational children are unable to conserve. He attributes this inability to which one of the following factors?

inability of hypothetic-deductive reasoning

Lack of high-level abstract reasoning

personal fable

irreversibility of thought

Ans: (4)   irreversibility of thought

You have been selected in all the four professions given below. Where would you like to go ?





Answers (1)

A teacher in a multi-cultural classroom would ensure that the assessment considers the following

reliability and validity of her assessment tool

socio-cultural context of her students

expectations of the school administration by complying with her minimum levels of learning

Standardization of the assessment tool

Ans: (2) socio-cultural context of her students

Which one of the following statements best summarizes the relationship between developments of learning as proposed by Vygotsky?

Development is independent of learning

Learning and development are parallel processes

Development process lags behind the learning process

Development is synonymous with learning

Ans: (3) Development process lags behind the learning process

According to Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligence, the factor that would contribute most for being a ‘self-aware individual would be





Ans: (2) Intrapersonal

A major difference between the perspective of Vygotsky and Piaget pertains to

their critique of behaviouristic principles

their conception of children as active contractors of knowledge

the role of providing a nurturing environment to children

their views about language and thought

Ans: (4)  their views about language and thought

Progressive education is associated with which of the following statements?

Teachers are the originators of information and authority

Knowledge is generated through direct experience and collaboration

learning proceeds in a straight way with factual gathering and skill mastery

Examination is norm-referenced and external

Ans: (2) Knowledge is generated through direct experience and collaboration

The factor ‘g’ in the Spearman definition of intelligence stands for

genetic intelligence

generative intelligence

general intelligence

global intelligence

Ans: (4) global intelligence

Assessment for learning

fosters motivation

is done for the purpose of segregation and ranking

emphasises the overall importance of grades

is an exclusive and a per se assessment activity

Ans:(1) fosters motivation

Student in a class are asked to assemble various artefacts of their work in a notebook , to demonstrate what they can do for their society. What kind ofd activity is this?

Essay type assessment

Anecdotal records

Problem solving assessment

Portfolio assessment

Ans: (4)  Portfolio assessment

According to socio-cultural theory of Vygotsky

culture and language play a crucial role in development

the child thinks in different domains and does not take a complete perspective

children think in abstract terms if presented abstract material at a lower age

self-directed speech is the lowest stage of the scaffold

Ans :(1)  culture and language play a crucial role in development

Which one of the following statements is true?

The major objective of the formative assessment is to grade the achievement of students

The formative assessment summarizes the development of learners during a time interval

The formative assessment can sometimes be summative assessment and vice versa

the summative assessment implies that assessment is a continuous and integral part of learning

Ans :(3)  The formative assessment can sometimes be summative assessment and vice versa

Which one of the following represents the domain ‘evaluating’ in the bloom’s revised taxonomy?

Evaluating the pertinence of the data provided

Formulating a new way for categorizing objects

Creating a graph or chart using the data

judging the logical consistency of a solution

Ans :(4) judging the logical consistency of a solution

Cognitive apprenticeships and instructional  conversations

emphasize on systematic organization of textual material

highlight the need of practical training to achieve efficiency

conceive learning as a social activity

are based on application of inductive reasoning

Ans :(3) conceive learning as a social activity

A teacher found that a student is facing difficulty in drawing a square. He/she assumes that this student would also find it difficult to draw a diamond. He/she applies which of the following principles to arrive at his/her assumption ?

Development is gradual

Development is different people different for

Development tends to follow an orderly sequence

Development is salutatory

Ans :(3)  Development tends to follow an orderly sequence

Which of the following implication cannot be derived from piglet’s theory of cognitive development?

Discovery learning

Need of verbal teaching

Sensitivity to children’s readiness to  learn

Acceptance of individual differences

Ans :(4)  Acceptance of individual differences

Teachers and students draw on one another’s expertise while working on complex projects related to real world problems in……………….. Classroom.

Teacher – centric




Ans: (2)  social-constructivist

A teacher has serious defect is he/she—

is physically handicapped

belongs to low socio-economic status

has weak personality

has immature mental development

Answers (4)

Updated: January 13, 2020 — 6:04 am

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