TET Child Development & Pedagogy Question Paper Set 1

TET Child Development & Pedagogy Question Paper for Paper 1 & Paper 2 Examination 2020 – 2021. Teacher Eligibility Test 2020 Child Development & Pedagogy Subject Paper on our website.

TET Child Development & Pedagogy Question Paper Set 1

In Paper I, The test items on Child Development and Pedagogy will focus on educational psychology of teaching and learning relevant to the age group of 6-11 years. They will focus on understanding the characteristics and needs of diverse learners, interaction with learners and the attributes and qualities of a good facilitator of learning.

In Paper II, The test items on Child Development and Pedagogy will focus on educational psychology of teaching and learning, relevant to the age group of 11-14 years. They will focus on understanding the characteristics, needs and psychology of diverse learners, interaction with learners and the attributes and qualities of a good facilitator of learning.

TET Child Development & Pedagogy Question Paper Set 1 (Paper I and Paper II)

Learners display individual difference. So, a teacher should

Provide a variety of learning experience

enforce strict discipline

increase numbers of tests

insist on uniform pace of learning

Ans: (1)  Provide a variety of learning experience

The sense organs of talented student are




none of these

Ans :(2)  sharp

Studies show that healthy food intake, including low-fat protein and carbohydrates high in fibre, help students to





Ans: (3) concentrate

The problem child is generally who has

an unsolved problem

an over protection parent

a poor home environment

a poor heredity

Ans:  (1) an unsolved problem

For proper conducive environment situations, which of the following are necessary?

proper seating arrangements

calm and peaceful environment

cooperative and competitive group situation

All of the above

Ans: (4) All of the above

The process of personality development is completed in …. stage according to Ericson





Ans: (3) 8

Which of the following should be emphasised in teaching strategy?

Application of psychology

Application of natural science

Application of technology

All of these

Ans: (4) All of these

A creative child may be poor in

religious value

social values

aesthetic values

None  of these

Ans: (1)  religious value

Learners display individual differences. So, a teacher should

provide a variety of learning experiences

enforce strict discipline

increase number of tests

insist on uniform pace of learning

Ans: (1) provide a variety of learning experiences

A 13 years old boy quarrels with his elders in any matter and always tries to prove himself right. In which stage of development he is?

Early childhood




Ans: (2)  Adolescence

Which of the following is not a basic feature of pre-operational period according to Piaget?





Ans: (4)  Decantation

The concept of multiple intelligence was propounded by





Ans: (3)  Gardner

The feeling of shame and pride develops in this stage





Ans: (2) childhood

Factors affecting learning that deal with the innate aspects of an individual and are unique to his/her are called

language factors

social factors

personal factors

parental factors

Ans: (3)  personal factors

Which of the following organisation of UN related with the education?





Ans :(2) UNESCO

Education helps a child to develop his/her

emotional intelligence

social intelligence

career skills

all of these

Ans: (4)  all of these

The stage of development is



and (2)

None of these

Ans: (1)  certain

The stage of development is begin of any child

after the age of 2 years

after the age of 5 years

after the age of 7 years

at the pregnancy of the mother

Ans: (4)  at the pregnancy of the mother

Which of the following reason is not for individual difference in any child?




None of these

Ans: (4) None of these

With reference to piglet’s key ideas the realisation that objects or sets of objects stay the same even when they are change about or made different is



class inclusion


Ans: (4)  conservation

Peer Group refers to

People of roughly the same age

friends, buddies, pals, troops

family members

All of the above

Ans: (2)  friends, buddies, pals, troops

According to Burner’s stages of development which mode refers to ‘illustrative of a person’s-competence to consider proposition rather than objects, to give ideas a hierarchical structure and to consider alternative possibilities in a combinatorial fashion;




None of these

Ans: (3)   symbolic

The instructional process where the adult adjusts the amount and type of support offered so that it is best suited to the child’s level of development is called





Ans: (3)  scaffolding

The purpose of education psychology is

to increase rate of learning by moulding behaviour

to apply scientific principles and theories in educational setting

to study human behaviour for new researches

All of these

Ans: (1)  to increase rate of learning by moulding behaviour

Development new rules and principle on the basic of given facts and information in memory level is called





Ans: (1) generalisation

We can make lecture strategy a success by

presenting the content in a logical sequence with force

making the language of the content easy

aiding visual aids to the lecture

All of the above

Ans: (4)  All of the above

Which of the following strategies is most suitable for introducing a lesson?





Ans: (2)  Questioning

Due to uses of various methods in teaching

teaching is simple

students pay more attention

teaching becomes interesting

All of these

Ans :(1)   teaching is simple

Students who gets less marks. you will

try to  search other options for him

ask him to get commercial education

punish him in morning meeting

provide necessary help to them after

Ans: (4) provide necessary help to them after

When a child with a disability first comes to school according to the disability

Refer the child to a special school according to the disability

Seclude him from other students

Discuss with the child parents to evolve collaborative plans

conduct an administer test

Ans: (3) Discuss with the child parents to evolve collaborative plans

By which obstruction the process of inspiration can never begin?





Ans: (2)  Need

Adolescents show their emotions of love for

their friends

their country

their heroes

All of these

Ans :(4) All of these

Which of the following does not belong to the categories of coping strategies that women commonly engage in?





Ans :(4)  Revolution

 Objective of evaluation is

to declare a child  is pass/fail

to know what the child has learnt

to know about learning difficulties of child

All of the above

Ans :(4)  All of the above

Development of child is the result of



interaction of heredity and environment

economic factors

Ans: (3)  interaction of heredity and environment

childhood is up to

5 year of age

12 year of age

21 year of age

None of these

Ans: (3)  21 year of age

Which is the important institution to make a person as a human?





Ans: (1)  school

In a good communicator

Healthy body should be must

Pleasant personality should be must

Clear and correct pronunciation should be must

Should speak fluently

Ans: (3)   Clear and correct pronunciation should be must

Playing is the sign of in the children




creating power

Ans: (4) creating power

Which statement is correct in the following?

nature of all children is similar

interest of all children is similar

sense of all children is similar

Learning capacity of all children is different

Ans: (4) Learning capacity of all children is different

Inclusive education

celebrates diversity in the classroom

encourages strict admission procedures

includes indoctrination of facts

includes teachers from marginalised groups

Ans: (1) celebrates diversity in the classroom

Backwards children are

slow learners

IQ-level 80-910

mentally sick,  persons having maladjusted behaviour

All of the above

Ans: (4)  All of the above

A school gives preference to girls while prepaing students for a state level solo-songs competition.  this reflects

global trends

pragmatic approach

progressive  thinking

gender bias

Ans: (4)  gender bias

In which context the gender discrimination is there in the development of a child?




All of these

Ans: (4)  All of these

Which is the individual reason for affecting the greatness of any superior?




All of these

Ans :(4)   All of these

Which of the following is not helpful in development of creativity in children?





Ans: (2)  Lecture

To maintain the level of activity of teaching understanding, important thing is


skilled administration

able teacher

All of these

Ans: (4)  All of these

For healthy arrangement of classroom, necessary thing is

sufficient light should be in the class

ventilated classroom

appropriate seating arrangement in the class

All of the above

Ans: (4)  All of the above

In the classroom, direct relation of problems of discipline is with

age of child, interest in study, personality of teacher

which subject is studding in the class

seating arrangement in the class

boring or interesting subject

Ans:  (4) boring or interesting subject

Creative child is that who

stands first in the class

have creative behaviour

have good behaviour

have good memory power

Ans: (2) have creative behaviour

“Children are improved by beating”

children live in discipline by beating

Guardian feels powerful beating the children

children do not tease again and again for any thing

Statements are unit

Ans:  (4) Statements are unit

Some students are weak in your class, You will

ask him to study 1f1 hours daily

cause to blushing him in front of intelligent student

teach to understand his problems

ask him to do practice again and again

Ans: (3) teach to understand his problems

Medium of primary teaching should be



Mother tongue

Regional Language

Ans: (3)  Mother tongue

Study of behaviour helps the teacher to know

different learning problems of children

causes of maladjustment in different in different situations

how theories of learning help to increase rate of learning

All of the above

Ans: (4)  All of the above

Psychology as a science of mind was rejected by philosophers because

mind could not be defined in behavioural terms

mind could not be  interpreted in behavioural terms

and (2)

None of the above

Ans: (3)  (1) and (2)

According to piaget, maturation is a/an

automatic and innate process

process of learning through language

and (2)

None of the above

Ans: (1) automatic and innate process

Which of the following statements about development is correct?

The rate of development differs from individual to individual

The rate of development differs at every stage in an individual

Development is a continuous process

All of the above

ans: (4) All of the above

Social development about growth is correct?

refinement of behaviour in adverse situ at ion

acceptable behaviour of a person

and (2)

All of the above

Ans: (3)   (1) and (2)

Which of the following is a specialised branch of education psychology?

measurement and evaluation

Education technology

Special education

None of the above

Ans: (3)  Special education

Child development is marked by interrelated processes, which one is not one of them?





Ans: (3)  Motivation

According to Kohlberg’s  Theory of Moral Development and his various stage of moral development  which one of the following is not a stage proposed by him

individualism and Exchange

Interpersonal Relationship

Social Contract and Social Rights

Universal Principle

Ans: (3)   Social Contract and Social Rights

Intimate and close friendship is shown in

early childhood

later childhood


None of these

Ans: (3)  adolescence

Emotional tension in youth is the result of

conflict between id and ego

Prejudice against him on the ground of creed or colour

repeated failure in school examinations

All of the above

Ans: (4)    All of the above

In the period of early childhood, children take part in those games which

involve physical energy and motor activity

involve creative activities and puzzles

and (2)

None of these

Ans: (4)  None of these

The determinants of individual differences in humans relate to

difference in their environment

difference in their heredity

difference in both heredity and environment

an interaction between the factors of heredity and factors of environment

Ans: (4)     an interaction between the factors of heredity and factors of environment

Kritika does not talk much at home, talks a lot  at school. It shows that

the school provides opportunities to children to talk a lot

teacher demand that children to talk a lot  a school

she does not like her home at all

her thoughts get acknowledged at schools

Ans: (4) her thoughts get acknowledged at schools

Learner display individual difference. So, a teacher should

insist on uniform pace of learning

enforce strict discipline

provide a variety of learning experience

increase number of tests

Ans: (3)   provide a variety of learning experience

A school give preference to girls while preparing student for a state level solo-song competition. This reflects

gender bias

global trends

pragmatic approach

progressive thinking

Ans: (1)  gender bias

The knowledge of Individual Difference helps teacher in

understanding the futility of working hard with backward students as they can never be at per with the class

accepting and attributing the failure of students to their individual differences

making their presentation style uniform to benefit all students equally

assessing the individual needs of all students and teaching them accordingly

Ans: (4)   assessing the individual needs of all students and teaching them accordingly

Which of the following approaches suggests interaction of the child with the people around him and with social institution to deal with disruptive behaviour discover?





Ans: (2)  Ecological

For gifted students,

it is safe to consider aptitude as a skill

there is no need to monitor progress

the teacher should adapt as the student changes

the teacher should initiate and lead problem solving

Ans: (3)   the teacher should adapt as the student changes

The best way to increase the chance odf learning disabled students to lead a full and productive life, is by

focussing on weaknesses of such students

maintaining a high expectation from such students

teaching a variety of skills and strategies that can be applied across a range of contexts

encouraging these children to define their own goals

Ans: (3)  teaching a variety of skills and strategies that can be applied across a range of contexts

Stuttering problems in students can be dealt by applying which of the following methods?

Pragmatic speech

Protracted speech

Dictated speech

Prolonged speech

Ans: (4)  Prolonged speech

An inclusive classroom is that where

there is an active involvement of children in solving as many problems as possible

teachers create diverse and meaningful learning experiences for every learner

assessments are repeated till the time every learner achiever minimum grades

teachers teach from only prescribed books to lessen the burden of the students

Ans: (2) teachers create diverse and meaningful learning experiences for every learner

Learning disabilities are

also present in children with average or above average IQ

not immutable irrespective or time and nature of interventions

objective facts and culture has no role in determining them

synonymous with dyslexia

Ans: (1)  also present in children with average or above average IQ

In the context of progressive education, equal educational opportunity’ implies that all students should

be provided an education by using the same methods and materials without any distinction

be provided an education which is most appropriate to them and their future life at work

receive equal education irrespective of their caste, creed, colour, region and religion

be allowed to prove their capability after receiving an equal education

Ans:  (2)be provided an education which is most appropriate to them and their future life at work

Features assigned due to social roles and not due to biological endowment are called

gender role attitudes

gender role strain

gender role stereotype

gender role diagnosticity

Ans: (3)   gender role stereotype

Learning disabilities may occur due to all of the following except

teachers way of teaching

prenatal use of alcohol

mental retardation

meningitis during infancy

Ans: (1)   teachers way of teaching

Gifted students are

convergent thinkers

divergent thinkers


very hard working

Ans: (2)  divergent thinkers

Which of the following statements Support role of environment in the development of a child?

some students quickly process information while others in the same class do not

there has been a steady increase in students’ average performance on IQ tests in last few decades

Correlation between IQs of identical twins raised in different homes is as high as 0.75

physically fit children are found to be morally good

Ans:(2) there has been a steady increase in students’ average performance on IQ tests in last few decades

Creativity is usually associated with


convergent thinking

divergent thinking


Ans: (3)   divergent thinking

According to Kohlberg, a teacher can instil moral values in children by

giving strict instructions on ‘how to behave’

giving importance to relious teachings

laying clear rules of behaviour

involving them in discussions on moral issues

Ans: (4) involving them in discussions on moral issues

In the context of education, socialisation means

always following social norms

creative one’s own social norms

respecting elders in society

adapting and adjusting to social environment

ans: (4) adapting and adjusting to social environment

Which one of the following is an example of a fine motor skill?





Ans: (1) Writing

Vygotsky theory implies

after initial explanation, do not support a child in solving difficult questions

child will learn best in the company of children having IQ lesser than his/her own

collaborative problem solving

individual assignment to each student

Ans: (4)  individual assignment to each student

IQ score are generally ………..correlated with academic performance.





Ans: (4)  perfectly

An empowering school will promote which of the following qualities the most in its teachers?

Competitive aptitude

Tendency to experiment


disciplined nature

Ans: (1)  Competitive aptitude

Theory of multiple intelligences implies the following expect

emotional intelligence is not related to IQ

intelligence is a distinct set of processing operations used by an individual to solve problems

disciplines should be presented in a numbers of ways

learning could be assessed through a variety of means

Ans: (2)   intelligence is a distinct set of processing operations used by an individual to solve problems

A child of 16 years scores 75 in an IQ test his mental age will be ………years.





Ans: (2)  12

Which is the incorrect way to support the language development?

Letting the child talk uninterruptedly on a topic

disapproving the use of their own language

Supporting initiation taken by children

Providing opportunities

ans :(2) disapproving the use of their own language

A teacher has some physically challenged children in her class. which of the following would be appropriate for her to say?

Physically inconvenienced children may do an alternative activity in the classroom

Wheel-chaired bound children may take help of their peers in going to hall

Polio affricated children will now present a song

why don’t you use your crutches to go the playground

Ans: (1)  Physically inconvenienced children may do an alternative activity in the classroom

Which one of the following is true about the role of heredity and environment in the development of a child?

Both heredity and environment are contributed 50%-50% in the development of a child

the relative contributions of adult and genes are not additive

Heredity and environment are not operate together

None of the above

Ans: (2)  the relative contributions of adult and genes are not additive

In order to avoid gender stereotyping in class, a teacher should

encourage boys to take risk and be bold

try to put both boys and girls in non-traditional roles

appreciate students’ good work by saying ‘good girl’ or ‘good boy’

discourage girl from taking part in wrestling

Ans: (2) try to put both boys and girls in non-traditional roles

‘Readiness for learning’ refers to 

Thorndike’s law of readiness

general ability level of students

present cognitive level of students in the learning continuum

satisfying nature of the act of learning

Ans: (3)  present cognitive level of students in the learning continuum

Under ordinary conditions, an individual’s IQ is supposed to remain the same throughout life or least throughout the age limits covered by the scale. this property is known as

Constancy of IQ

Deviation IQ

and (2)

None of the above

Ans: (1)   Constancy of IQ

Maturation influences the individual’s behaviour during dormant peridos while learning modifies it during period of responses to the

external environment

change in adolescence

change in poverty

All of the above

Ans: (3)  change in poverty

Behavioural change which occur on the basis of physiogical developments rather then learning and which appear in virtually all members of the species are the result of





Ans :(1) maturation

Arrange the following in chronological order.

Pre-operational stage

Formal operational stage

Concrete operational stage

Sensor motor stage





Ans: (1)   A,B,D,C

 A gene of one parent carrying the trait of brown eyes gets fused with a gene of the other parent carrying the trait of blue eyes. Amongst the following possibilities which one would be application to the above fusion of genes carrying trait of eye colour?

Blue- eyed offspring

Brown-eyed offspring

Blue-eyed offspring carrying the brown eye trait unexpressed

Brown-eyed offspring caring the blue age trait unexpressed

Ans: (1)   Blue- eyed offspring

Consider the following statement  statement the formation of attachment in human infants grows out of these statements

Biological factors.

Social interaction.

Tactile experience of being holds and cuddled.

B alone is correct

A and C are correct

C alone in correct

A,B and c are correct

Ans: (3)  C alone in correct

Which state of Piaget’s theory of cognitive development is characterised by by abstract logic and potential for mature moral reasoning?

Concrete  operational


Sensor motor

Formal operational

Ans: (4)  Formal operational

Updated: January 13, 2020 — 6:08 am

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