Tripura TET Mathematics Solution from H.C.F & L.C.M of Numbers

Tripura TET Mathematics Solution from H.C.F & L.C.M of Numbers

ত্রিপুরা টেট এর অংক বিষয়ের সম্ভাব্য কিছু প্রশ্নাবলী ও তার সমাধান 


(1) The L.C.M. of

Ans 1




(2) The L.C.M. of

Ans 2



(3) The L.C.M. of (2x 3 x 52 x 7), (24 x 32 x 5 x 72 x 11) and ( 2 x 33 x 54) is

Ans:- L.C.M. = (24 x 33 x 54 x 72 x 11)

(4) The H.C.F. of two numbers is 11 and their L.C.M. is 7700. If one of the numbers is 275, then the other is:

Ans 3




(5) The L.C.M. of two numbers is 12 times their H.C.F. The sum of H.C.F. and L.C.M. is 403. If one number is 93, then the other is

Ans 4






(6) The H.C.F. and L.C.M.  of two numbers are 21 and 4641 respectively. If one of the numbers lies between 200 and 300. Then the two numbers are.

Ans 5




(7) If the H.C.F. of two numbers (each greater than 13) be 13 and L.C.M. 273, then the sum of the numbers will be

Ans 6





(8) The 3-digit numbers have their H.C.F. 29 and L.C.M. 4147. The sum of the numbers is

Ans 7





 (9) The ratio between two numbers is 15 : 11. If their H.C.F. is 13, then the numbers are:

Ans 8



(10) The H.C.F. of two numbers is 8. Which of the following numbers cannot be the L.C.M. of the sum of the numbers is:

Ans:- The H.C.F. of two numbers always divides their L.C.M.

Since 8 does not numbers always divides their L.C.M.

(11) The sum of two numbers is 528 and their H.C.F. is 33. The number of such pairs is:

Ans 9





(12) The H.C.F. of three numbers is 12. If they are in the ratio 1 : 2 : 3 , then the numbers are:

Ans 10



(13) The product of two co-primes is 117. Their L.C.M. should be

Ans 11




(14) The L.C.M. of two numbers x and y (x > y) is 161. The value of (3y – x) is:

Ans 12



(15) The sum of the H.C.F. and L.C.M. of two numbers is 680 and the L.C.M. is 84 times the H.C.F. If one of the numbers is 56, the other is :

Ans 13




Updated: April 23, 2019 — 9:24 am

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